• 1

      Juniors Information

    • 2

      Juniors Health

    • 3

      Parents Information

    • 4

      Parental Consent


    Juniors Information

    Juniors Information

    Junior's Health

    Are there any medical conditions of which the Club’s Officials should be aware of
    e.g. diabetes, epilepsy, asthma, allergies etc.

    If YES, what are they?

    Can the child administer their own treatment?

    (If NO please ensure someone is always in attendance to do so)

    Your Telephone Contact Details (Parent/Guardian):


    By signing below I consent to:

    • In the case of injury, accident, or illness whilst in the care of Summerhayes Juniors that a Club Officer or Adult Member of the Club may give permission on my behalf for the carrying out of ANY medical treatment, including blood transfusion, and surgery on my child as considered necessary by a qualified medical practitioner.

    • My Child being photographed in fishing situations in line with the recommendations as set out in the Club’s Photography, Filming and Social Media Broadcasting Policy

    • That the Club may publish photographs and articles on the Club website that may include or reference my Child. (Note: You may at anytime request any photo your child is in to be removed from the website or any article to be changed so any reference to your Child is removed or amended)

    • By signing below I hereby agree to :
    • Indemnify Summerhayes Juniors, its officers, coaches, managers and volunteers, from any liability for loss or damage to personal property, or accident or injury to my Child which occurs whilst they are receiving coaching, while fishing or participating in any club event or activities.

    • My Child complying with the Club rules.

    • Being contacted through the club communications channels with regards to activities at the Club (e.g WhatsApp Broadcast for information regarding the Club activities, text/messages etc)

    • I will abide by the Parents/Guardians Code of Conduct

    • My child and I will abide to the Club’s Safeguarding policies namely Policy Statement; Inclusion & Diversity; Anti-Bullying; Online Safety and Social Media; Photography, Filming and Social Media Broadcasting; and Transporting a Child to and from Matches and Training

    • My child and my personal data being held and used for the purpose it has been designated in accordance with the Club’s Data Privacy Notice and Data Protection Policy.